We believe in transparency on the web and so are disclosing that we have included certain products and links to those products on this site that we will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. Our goal with the blog is to help educate and inform consumers about precious metals and cryptocurrencies.  But please understand this as a for-profit business.

As the site grows, it will be nearly impossible to go through and list each and every program that we have an affiliate agreement with. Given this, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that we will receive compensation from just to be safe. Having said that, there are millions of products and services on the web that relate to the topics we cover on this blog. 

We only promote those products or services that we have investigated and truly feel deliver value to you. Examples would include the site banner ads, external links to other companies, or book, product, or company reviews.

GoldIRASecrets.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We also participate in affiliate programs for several gold, crypto, or other financial firms. We are compensated for any referrals that we send these companies.

The FTC requires that we state: Disclosure: The owners of this website may be paid to recommend Advantage Gold, American Bullion, Augusta Precious Metals, Birch Gold Group, BitIRA, Bitcoin IRA, Bittrex, Coinbase, CoinIRA, Goldco, MyDigitalMoney, Noble Gold, Red Rock Secured, Silver Gold Bull and/or any other company that is linked to from our website.

The content on this website, including any positive reviews of Advantage Gold, American Bullion, Augusta Precious Metals, Birch Gold Group, BitIRA, Bittrex, Coinbase, CoinIRA, Goldco, MyDigitalMoney, Noble Gold, Red Rock Secured, Silver Gold Bull and other reviews, may not be neutral or independent. 

Most of the larger exchanges, precious metals and crypto companies in the U.S. have affiliate programs and will pay website owners for driving traffic, referrals, and sales.  Companies contact us often in hopes to add their business to our website and list of recommended companies.

We are selective in the businesses we choose to work with.

We are 100% independent. As we’re continually monitoring the industry and reviewing companies, we may at some point change our recommendations.  While not every company has an affiliate program, you should assume that any and all links pointing to a gold, crypto, exchange, or other business, are referral links. Assume these companies compensate us.

Please note that I have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of referral or affiliate commissions.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us by using the contact page. It can be accessed on the footer menu.

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