The vast majority of people in the gold and precious metals world are honest and ethical. But there are crooks in every conceivable human endeavor. Unfortunately, the precious metals market is mostly unregulated, so it’s a good idea to become familiar with the industry and recognize possible gold IRA scams.

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Key to a secure and happy retirement is diversification. Putting all your eggs in one proverbial basket will leave them exposed to whims of the stock market.

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Occasionally, we come across television, radio, and other assets promoting the sale of gold, silver and other precious metals for IRAs and other retirement accounts​. These ads suggest that you can store these IRA-owned metals at your home.

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Section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits IRA owners from taking direct possession of assets owned within an IRA. Instead, you must have a third-party hold title to or physically control the assets on your behalf. Usually third parties are called custodians.

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Why Invest in Gold?

Historically, gold has been a stable store of value in times of uncertainty and crisis. Going back to ancient times, gold has retained its value through wars, famine, pestilence, plague, and even the collapse of entire civilizations.

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